Saturday, October 8, 2011

My Food at 8 Months Out

I'm attaching a picture of the amount of food I can typically eat at 8 months out from surgery.
I eat at restaurants very frequently for business and socially so I thought this might be helpful for some of you that have recently had surgery or are considering plication. 
I ordered a BBQ chicken sandwich, baked potato and the restaurant serves biscuits. I ate 2 bites of the biscuit before my meal came, about 3-4 bites of the potato and about 3/4 of 1/2 the sandwich. I normally don't eat the bread on top of the sandwich, but I hadn't eaten breakfast and was pretty hungry! I also had 2 bites of banana pudding and 1 vanilla wafer cookie. I was very full and now I have dinner for tonight!  :)

I will be posting another entry about my life now at 8 months out later. 
Take care,

Monday, July 4, 2011

Our clothing business

I've had a few people ask about our business.
We design and manufacture plus size clothing. We specialize in 1940s and 1950s vintage inspired clothing. We have dresses, skirts, blouses and are getting ready to launch our bathing suit line.
Most of clothing starts in sizes 12 and goes to size 22/24. 
Here is our website, we also sell on Ebay.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

2 month surgiversary and down 30 pounds!!

From April 8, 2011

Yesterday was my 2 month anniversary since surgery and I've lost 30 pounds. The first month I lost pretty quickly and was down about 20 pounds the first 3 weeks. I stalled from Feb. 28 until Mar. 15 and finally lost 1 pound. Over the next 2 weeks, I lost another 3 pounds. So my weight loss definitely slowed down. These past couple of weeks I increased my water intake and my activity level. I have exercised pretty much every day since about mid-March. Even if I go on a quick 20 minute walk with my dog, I do some form of exercise every day. I am usually at the gym for at least 1 hour. My workout routine looks like this: Mon - Zumba (1 hr.) Tues - Walk/Jog (40 min. or 2 milesish) Wed - Zumba (1 hr.) Thurs - Walk/Jog (40 min. or 2 milesish) plus I take a dance class with my husband at night. Fri - Walk/Jog (40 min. or 2 milesish) or Zumba (1 hr.) If I miss the gym I will do a walking or dancing video at home. 

I'm very happy and proud of my results. I feel like I've worked hard for my results. I exercise now with purpose. Before surgery (even with my band) I felt like exercise was almost worthless because no matter how much I worked out, I almost couldn't compensate for all the food I was consuming! Now I eat anywhere from 900-1200 calories a day. Somedays I eat more, especially if I eat out (which I do quite a bit for my business) but if I eat out I add in extra activity to try to make up for the extra calories.

I had this surgery to feel "normal" which I didn't with my band. I had difficulty eating healthy food with the band and now I don't. I do eat protein first, I drink Isopure and a lot of water and try to keep my carbs down. 

Hope this helps anyone who is struggling or considering WLS.
Take care of you!! 

First Goal Reached!!

From April 21, 2011

I weighed 250 this morning! I started at 283 about 2 1/2 months ago. Woo Hoo!! I actually decreased the amount I'm working out but I did increase the intensity of my workouts. Because of this I have actually been eating a bit more. I'm in Las Vegas for business so I can't update my ticker as I'm using my phone so it'll have to wait till I return. 

I wont be officially working out while in Vegas and I'm going to be eating out a couple times a day so I'll see what happens with my weight when I get home. I'm a daily weigher so it's going to be weird for me not to weigh for like 5 days!! I'll be walking a lot and maybe dancing too so that'll have to count for my workout! 

Take care all!! :) 

How I Broke My Stall

From March 30, 2011

I was pretty much stuck most of the month of March. When I went from liquids to mushies I figured I was going to stall for a bit but I increased my exercise to make up for the additional calories that I was getting. During the liquid phase I was probably eating/drinking around 400-500 calories. Once I got to the mushie phase I was eating/drinking about 600-800 calories and now that I'm on pretty much regular food I eat anywhere from 800-1200 calories, depending on the day and my activity level. I was stuck at 260 from the end of February until March 15. However, I stuck with everything that I was doing with my eating plan. I followed my doctor's plan about 95% of the time which includes eating 2-3 oz. of dense protein first, 2-3 bites of potatoes or mushy veg and eating every 3 hours. I kept my exercise level consistent except for 1-2 days per week when I increased my time at the gym by about 10 minutes. I've lost 2 pounds in 2 days this week and I didn't go to the gym at all this week yet! I've been taking 15 minute walks with my dog at night, I did a Zumba DVD in the morning and yesterday I took my son to the museum and we walked around and played for about 2 hours. I was too tired last night to do an exercise video and somehow, I dropped another pound!

So I think the thing about stalls is to remain consistent. If there is something in your diet that needs tweaking, like maybe getting too many carbs or not enough carbs, go ahead and tweak it but following the doctor's plan does seem to work for most people. Of course, I was banded for almost 10 years so I think that has helped me with certain eating rules like chewing food really well and slowing down to eat. The biggest rule that I have a hard time with is not drinking while eating as I get pretty thirsty when I'm eating.
The thing I learned while being banded is that it doesn't really matter how long it took me to lose weight, what mattered was that I had a difficult time keeping the weight off once I lost it. I am more concerned with long-term diet and exercise changes than losing weight quickly. When I lose it, I want it to stay lost!! :)
Good luck to those of you struggling~ 

Completed my first 5K Almost 3 months since Plication surgery!!

I ran my first 5K today! :)
I am a slow jogger and can usually run/walk 1 mile in about 17 minutes so I was hoping to finish the 5K in under 50 minutes. I actually finished in 52 minutes but that was mainly because my husband and my children saw me on the sidelines and my 4 y.o. son wanted to run the last mile with me. He ran about 200 yards and then decided to stroll the rest of the way! Then the last 1/3 of a mile he wanted me to carry him! So I ended up carrying a 44 pound 4 year old for 1/3 of a mile - so needless to say I'm very happy with my results!!

The other thing that I kept thinking of when I was holding my son was that he is almost equivalent to the weight I've lost and it was exhausting carrying around that extra 44 pounds!!!
Overall, I had a great day and am super happy that I completed my first 5K. 

I'm going to start training for another 5K in a few weeks, then a 10K in the Summer followed by the Long Beach, CA 1/2 marathon in October. Posted Image

Starting weight: 284
Current weight: 247

Finally broke my stall!!

From March 15, 2011

I've been stalled since the end of February and this morning I finally lost another pound!!
I was stuck at 260 and really wanted to be in the 250s but my body wasn't having any of it. I increased my exercise, water intake and protein and that seemed to do the trick! I officially weighed in at 259.0 this morning. Yeah!! Posted Image

I'm going to Las Vegas in about 5 1/2 weeks and I'd really like to lose another 15-18 pounds by then so I'm going to focus on increasing my exercise slowly over the next month or so. My goal for April 7 is to be 250 but I'm going to try to surpass that. 

At the gym I'm currently doing a 10 minute warm-up on the bike, 20 minutes on the elliptical (an increase from 15), and 30 minutes on the treadmill (an increase from 20). I will increase my time on the elliptical and treadmill next week by about 5 minutes. Hopefully, this will help boost my weight loss. I also do walking or dancing exercise videos at home if I don't make it to the gym. I had to take a look at what I was eating also and realized that I was eating a bit too many carbs. My dr. doesn't have a prescribed amount of carbs that I should eat but he does emphasize eating protein first, then any veggies (which I really can't have yet), then unprocessed carbs. I am going to be cutting back a bit on carbs and see if that will help.

Tried Zumba today

From March 19, 2011

I've been wanting to try Zumba for about a year. The gym I currently belong to doesn't offer it at many locations or times I need so I haven't been able to try a class. I have done the Zumba videos but really wanted to try a class. I used to be a on the dance team in high school and currently take Swing dance lessons with my husband (for fun and because we have a plus size Rockabilly, Swing clothing line) so I think I can follow dance instructors pretty well. 
I told the ladies around me that it was my first time and that I might crash into them. They were super nice about it and even showed me a few quick moves before the class started. The instructor was great and the class was very fun and energetic! I did the whole 60+ minute class and kept up pretty well but now I am super sore!!! My calves are killing me. I walked around the block tonight to see if I could stretch my legs a bit and ease the pain but no, they still hurt - but it's a good kind of hurt!! I was goin gto try to go to the Zumba clas tomorrow @ 9 am but my calves might tell me something different in the morning. I'll see how I feel. Overall, I really liked Zumba and think it's a great class, even for beginners. It would have been fun to have a friend with me so we could've messed up together!

1 month follow-up appointment

From March 8, 2011

My starting weight was 283, according to the doctor's scale I weigh 262. My home scale is a bit nicer to me but I'll take a 21 pound loss anyday!

I've been exercising about 6 days a week and have lost about 2 inches off my waist and 3 off my hips. Overall I'm pretty happy with my progress. My next goal is to be in the 250s!!
Take care,


Tried Exercise TV for the first time

From Feb. 24, 2011

One of my friends mentioned that she watches exercise videos through her cable. I investigated this and found that I also have some exercise videos available through my Video On Demand thru my cable company. Most of them are short videos (6-10 min.) to try out different exercise types. I tried Zumba, which I've been wanting to try. It was only a 7 minute video but I did it all and was pretty tired afterwards. I also did a 1 mile walking video with Leslie Sansone(?). She is well known for her walking DVDs. Anyway - they were both great and I feel that I got a pretty good workout! 

Did you know that you can exercise almost anywhere?? Who knew??

From March 7, 2011

Ok so I've become a little obsessive about getting my daily exercise. I'm striving for at least 30 minutes per day. I alternate between going to the gym and doing exercise videos in my own house. However, yesterday I took my kids to the park and decided instead of sitting on the park bench and watching them play (like usual) I would go for a quick walk around the playground. I started out doing a power walk and soon both my kids joined me! It was great! Then today I took my car to be serviced and instead of sitting in the customer lounge I took a 25 minute walk. I also went to the gym but it was nice that 1/2 my workout was already done! Surprisingly I'm not finding it too hard to squeeze in my workouts, although I start back to work in about a week so we'll see how it goes then. 

Playing at the park and trying salad for the 1st time sort of!

From March 5, 2011

Current weight: still at 260 

I took the kiddos (2 y.o. and 4 y.o.) to the park as DH has been sicky-sick in bed with the stomach flu. It was nice to play with them as it was the first time I've taken them to the park alone since my surgery. I played soccer for a bit with my son but am still limited as my dr. doesn't want me to pick up anything more than 10-15 lbs. and my daughter weighs around 30. I wanted to walk the track but the kiddos had other ideas about swings and building sand castles so, no track for me.

After about an hour or so the kiddos started asking for McDonalds. They only get McDs once in awhile and it's always after the park. We have one of those fancy McDs that has an indoor playground and it was a bit warm today so we went there. I don't eat much red meat and haven't eaten a hamburger in like 20 years so I wasn't going to order one of those. I decided to order a grilled chicken caesar salad. I know it has about 400 calories with chicken,croutons and dressing so it's a pretty safe bet. I halved the salad and cut up all the chicken that I was going to eat - about 3 slices. I did use some of the caesar dressing and had about 4 croutons. Pre-surgery I could easily eat the entire salad plus a couple of left over chicken nuggets, a few of my kid's fries and apples, at least 1 large drink and probably a sundae. Today I ate the 3 slices of chicken along with a few leaves of the dark green lettuce. I chewed and chewed and actually counted my chews as I'm not really *supposed* to eat lettuce yet. It was so freakin' awesome!! I was full, I was actually a bit overfull - I think I took 1 bite too many. I walked around a bit and had a couple of sips of my Propel and I felt better. The experience was great because I was able to go to a fast food place with my kids and enjoy a bit of food, and a bit of play time. I wasn't obsessed with eating all the food in sight. I took the salad home and ate more of it for a snack and then finished the chicken for dinner. I probably left about 80% of the lettuce, all the tomatoes (can't have those for a while yet) and ate the chicken, the cheese and most of the dressing. 

Next time I order the salad I'm going to switch the dressing for their Balsamic Vinaigrette because it has 40 calories compared to the caesar dressing which has 190!! Posted Image 

An example of dinner at 3+ weeks out

From Mar. 1, 2011

Starting weight: 283
Current weight: 260

At 3 weeks (+ 1 day) I am able to start soft meats. I was allowed to add potatoes at Day 10 along with cheese, peanut butter, bananas, some crackers (graham, low fat Ritz), beans, hummus, oatmeal, cottage cheese, etc. After day 21 I was allowed to add moist meats. I have started with chicken. I haven't eaten red meat in any large quantity in about 20 years but have started to eat tiny bites of it if it is in chili. I prefer ground turkey meat anyway but haven't tried it yet. 

This morning I had about 1/3 of a pre-made GNC protein shake (about 55 calories).

I am including a picture of my (leftovers) dinner tonight before I ate it and after. I had a business meeting today at Macaroni Grill and ordered Skinny Chicken (330 calories) with roasted veg: potatoes, tomatoes, mushrooms (300 calories). I wanted to order off of the Kid's Menu as they have grilled chicken and broccoli (which I can't eat yet) because it was more appropriately sized but felt weird doing that during a business meeting. I switched out the pasta for the veg. I don't think it saved calories but pasta isn't allowed yet. For lunch, I ate about 1/3 of the chicken and about 2 small potatoes and 2 bites of halved grape tomatoes. I ate a little less than 1/3 of the food for dinner tonight. I'm satisfied, not stuffed.

I hope this helps those of you that have recently had plication 
and for those of you considering it. There's not a lot of information out there so when I was researching it would've been nice to see an example of someone's daily food intake.

take care,

3 weeks since surgery

From Feb. 28, 2011

I had my surgery 3 weeks ago today. My starting weight was 281 but I gained 2 pounds in the hospital so my official starting weight was 283. My weight today is 261. I've lost 22 pounds in 3 weeks.Posted Image I actually lost 20 pounds the first 10 days then when I went onto mushies I stalled. I actually gained 1-2 pounds, then lost them again, then found them again, etc. Posted Image I expected that to happen so I wasn't too worried. I also wasn't allowed by my dr. to do any formal exercise so I just increased my walking. I've been walking about 1 mile 3 times per week. I started slowly back at the gym on Friday (2-25). I did 10 minutes on the recumbent bike, 10 minutes on the elliptical and 10 minutes on the treadmill. I burned around 250 calories so overall, not a bad workout to start. I am going back to the gym today and plan on increasing my time on the elliptical to about 12 minutes but keep everything else the same. I'm trying not to rush it and get hurt. I injured myself pretty badly about a year and a half ago (I tore my achilles) by trying to do too much, too soon so I'm taking it slowly and easily this time around. 

I'm very happy with my progress so far. I have my 1 month check-up on March 8 and I'd like to be down at least 25 pounds (which is 20% EWL for me) but we'll see. 

My goal is to lose around 75-85 more pounds. With the band the lowest weight I got to was around 176ish. My hubby thought I was too thin at that weight but I remember being pretty comfortable in my own body. I believe I was around a size 12 at that weight so I'd be pretty content near that weight plus I have a whole box full of cute size 12 and 14 stuff waiting for me!!

take care,

Protein shakes/ ratings of shakes so far

From Feb. 22, 2011

So far I've tried about 10 different types. I've decided the best ones are the ones that I make myself in the blender. However, I will be returning to work soon and that is just not an option for me in the morning because 1) I don't have time and 2) I can't use the blender in the morning because it will wake up my children. So I've decided to try the pre-made protein shakes. I'm not a big fan of milk, even soy milk so I can't say that I love the milk based ones but here are the ones that haven't made me hurl so far:

1. GNC Total Lean - Lean Shake in Swiss Chocolate, 14 oz.
25 grams of protein, 170 calories, 24 vitamins and minerals, lactose free, 6 grams of Carbs (3g are dietary fiber and 2 g are sugar), 6 g of fat (1.5 g saturated, 0 g trans fat).
Decent taste, I liked it better cold. Even though it's lactose free it still has kind of a milky taste because it has diafiltered skim milk (It just means they remove the carbohydrates). Comes in a nice, plastic easy to carry-with-you bottle. Overall I'd give it a 9 out of 10.
2. GNC Total Lean - Lean Shake in Vanilla, 14 oz.
Basically all the same stuff as the chocolate but I didn't like the taste as well. I would use this one as a base to blend stuff fruit with later on. It would be good blended with ice, blueberries and strawberries and then I'd have 2 smoothies. Yum! 7 out of 10 straight outta the bottle.
3. Isopure Zero Carb, 20 oz. - Alpine Punch
40 grams of protein, 160 calories, 0 carbs, 0 sugar
I like this one because it's a clear liquid, not milk based. It's more like a punch. It's not very sweet and takes some getting used to. I like to have it in my car or in my purse BUT the major drawback is it comes in a GLASS bottle. The glass bottle is soooo inconvenient and heavy. Grrr! To make transporting it easier, I poured it into a water bottle and refrigerated it. Isopure needs to make it in a plastic bottle and it'd be a winner! I give it 8 out of 10. Losing 1 point for flavor and 1 point for the stupid bottle.
4. Kirkland brand weight loss shake, Milk Chocolate, 11 oz.
10 grams of protein, 230 calories, 44 g of carbs, 2 g of fat (0.5 saturated fat, 0 g transfat), 24 vitamins and minerals
I put this one on the bottom because it really is the worst one for carbs and protein, however, I think this one is the tastiest, probably due to all the sugar in it!! The ingredients list starts with Skim Milk, Water, Sugar, Cocoa, Corn Syrup - Yikes!!!Posted ImageMy husband bought these for me the first week after my surgery because I couldn't go shopping myself so now they are just sitting in my kitchen. I'll take them with me to work and throw a few in my car and have them as back up but most likely will not use them. I give it 4 out of 10 due to the high carbs and sugar.
5. Medifast Dutch Chocolate Shake- 14 grams of protein, 13 g of carbs (4 g dietary fiber, 9 g sugar) 110 calories, 1 g fat
These aren't really pre-made but I can make them in a shaker instead of a blender so they'll count. They taste pretty good when blended or mixed with ice. There aren't big clumps even when using the hand shaker. But they are not pre-made. I give it 6 out of 10 for the relatively low protein and high carb ratio and inconvenience of having to blend myself.

I think Costco has the Premier Protein shakes which are supposed to be pretty good and have like 30 g of protein. When I feel up to it, I'm gonna head over there and buy some of those. I'll report back later in the week.


10 days out and down 20 pounds!

Well I couldn't resist weighing myself because I am scheduled to start mushies today. I weighed 283 when I came home from the hospital and this morning I weigh 263. That seems crazy to me!! 

I had about 3 oz of protein drink this morning and met friends for lunch at Cheesecake Factory. I had the broth from their chicken tortilla soup, which was fabulous!I also had 3 small bites of mashed potatoes and 2 teeny pieces of turkey. I was pretty full. My friends ordered a piece of cheesecake to share. I resisted for awhile basically because I was just too full to eat 1 more bite. After about 20 minutes or so I did take 2 small licks and it really was like heaven! :) but that was it - 2 licks and I was done! 

So far I'm loving my new little tummy especially compared to life with the band!! 

Officially Started Mushies

From February 20, 2011

I officially started mushies on Feb. 17 - 10 days after my surgery. I had a post-op appt. with Dr. Billy on Friday, Feb, 18 and an upper GI. There was 1 area of concern with my new tummy but nothing to worry about or that would require surgery. The top part of my tummy where my band is was left a little larger than Dr. Billy wanted. I have an underperforming gallbladder that might need to come out later so if I need to have my gallbladder out, Dr. Billy can take it out and then adjust my plication if needed. 

I weighed and am pretty much hovering around 263-265. I knew when I got off liquids and went to mushies I would stall so I'm not too surprised with my weight. I can't exercise yet but I am going to increase my walking this week to help with weight loss.
I'm going to include my mushy diet (so far) for anyone interested:

Breakfast: Optifast shake blended with ice and 2 oz. water, 2 oz. milk
Snack: 1/2 stick of string cheese, water
Lunch: about 3 oz. of chicken tortilla soup (strained or blend the big pieces), I add a little bit of shredded mexican cheese blend, water or crystal light w/ Unjury unflavored protein
Snack: sf pudding (I usually blend in some Unjury unflavored protein), rest of string cheese
Dinner: 1 egg scrambled with a little cheese on top, 1 large tsp. of mashed potatoes, crystal light w/ Unjury unflavored protein
Snack: sf popsicle, or 1 graham cracker w/ a teeny bit of peanut butter (YUM!!)

I forgot to mention that I also drink Isopure (about 1/2 a bottle per day - 80 calories, 0 carbs and 20 grams of protein!)
I feel like I'm eating all the time but I'm trying to get in 40-60 grams of protein. The unflavored protein is helping! 

Ate chili for the first time today

I was stuck at a shopping center today with a non-working car so I ended up having to eat some unplanned food. I didn't expect to be there for lunch but I was lucky to find a place that served chili. I drank 1/2 a protein drink this morning and by 1 pm I started feeling a tiny bit hungry. 

While waiting for my ride I walked around the shopping ctr and found a BBQ joint, a Mexican fast food that doesn't serve soup and Quiznos. I know Quiznos has soup so I tried their chili - it was the lowest calorie option because their chicken noodle wasn't ready yet. It had the most protein-20 grams (also the most carbs-26), 6 g of dietary fiber and 1050 mg of sodium (less than chicken noodle) and 230 calories. I thought I'd eat about half. I ate about 1/4 of it and was stuffed! I asked how many ounces are in the cup and was told they have two sizes 6 oz. and 10 oz. I ordered the bigger one so I guess I had about 2.5 oz. 

I brought it home and had it for dinner. I measured 1/2 a cup, mixed with a tsp of chicken broth and finished a little over 1/2 of it and had about 3 bites of chocolate pudding.

Very happy with my little tummy's capacity! This was what I was looking for with the band but didn't get!!! Posted Image

Take care,

I'm Stuffed! My first lunch on mushies

I had my follow-up with Dr. Billy today and an Upper GI. My plicated stomach looks very good. There was 1 area of concern where Dr. Billy might want to tighten later if needed but other than that all went well and I was cleared for mushies. I drank 1/2 an Isopure during the morning - 80 calories, 20 grams of protein. 

On my trip home I stopped for lunch. I ate about 3 small bites of scrambled egg, about 2 ounces of french onion soup and a couple of small pieces of the cheese on top of the soup. I'm stuffed!! I don't quite know the full signal yet but started sneezing soon after I finished so I figured that might be my full signal. I used to sneeze if I ate too much with the band too. I think I'm gonna start carrying a measuring cup with me!
I'm gonna go walk now. 

Take care,

One Week Since Surgery

Today is my official 1 week.
My starting weight: 283
Today's weight: 267
Lost so far: 16 pounds

So when I see the numbers I wanna check my math and make sure it really is 16 pounds in 1 week. That seems crazy! I can't believe it's only been 1 week. It kinda seems like a lot longer!! I think the liquid diet does that! Posted Image

Ate out twice this week, mostly had broth but had a couple of tiny bites of refried beans blended with broth. Yum!!!
So far very happy and recovering nicely.
I will be seeing Dr. Billy on Friday for an upper g.i. and my follow-up. Looking forward to weighing on his special scale and to see my progress!

take care,

Day 6 After Plication

We met some friends at a phenomenal Mexican restaurant with a huge menu. The smells were amazing and I admit, for a moment, I was bummed I couldn't devour my usual basket of tortilla chips, salsa, 3-4 tortillas, 3-4 drinks plus my entree. I am supposed to be mainly on liquids until tomorrow so I ordered Caldo de Res, a vegetable/beef stew with broth. We were there with friends and 1 of my good friends knows I had the band and that I was planning on having Sleeve Plication. She was pretty amazed at how I was able to get around relatively well, considering. Anyway I really enjoyed sitting with friends and my family, enjoying their company. I sipped my broth and didn't feel weird or excluded or anything. I did take a bite or two of some super mashed, refried beans and a bite of the egg off a chili relleno, which were out-of-this-world!!! Other than that, I was pretty much on track. 

Starting weight: 283
Current weigth: 268

Day 5 part 2

Starting weight: 283
Current weight: 272
Mini Goal: 250
Goal: 199
Realistic Goal: 180ish
Dream Goal: 150-165ish

I woke up in a bit more pain today. I am having internal pain, my husband said it must be my stomach healing from the inside. So I took some pain medication and laid back down. I slept another 2 hours and when I woke up I felt slightly better. I have been sipping water whenever I’m awake. For breakfast this morning I mixed 2 oz. of water with 2 oz. of cran-grape juice and mixed in some unflavored protein powder.  I’m still sipping it after about 30 minutes. I think I can drink faster and bigger sips but I’m afraid to. After having the band, I learned that if I take too big of a sip - it will come right back out! So I’m going slowly. I walked around the house a bit today also. It’s a gorgeous, sunny day outside so I’m gonna put on my sweats and slippers and shuffle outside for a little bit.

I’m down 11 pounds in 5 days. I’m assuming some of that is water weight even though I’m trying to drink water constantly. My husband said my tummy looks less poofy today so maybe some of the swelling is going down. I gained 2 pounds in the hospital from all the IV fluids but I’ll take any weight loss!!

My goal for month 1 is to lose at least 20% EWL (Excess Weight Loss). Since I’d like to lose 130 pounds - 20% of that is 26 pounds. I’m almost 1/2 way to my first goal! I know once I start eating mushies and “real” food, my weight loss will slow significantly so I wanna make the most out of this liquid phase.

My dr. has me on full liquids for the first 2 weeks. Since I was his very first plication patient, he is being a little more strict with me than he usually is with his WLS patients and I’m fine with that. I want to do what’s best for my new tummy. I want to give it time to heal properly.

When I was banded (in 2001) I had an extremely difficult time following the diet guidelines afterwards. The first few days after I was banded I was swollen and sore. But within about 1 week I was pretty hungry and was having a really hard time staying on the liquids only diet. I did it but I remember adding sugar free sherbert to my protein shakes because I needed more than just the protein shakes!  So far I haven’t experienced that.

My doctor, Dr. Billy said that some of the patients he has seen with plication (he worked with several other doctors while studying plication) experienced a lot of nausea. I did have a lot of nausea on the first day which I usually get anyway from the anesthesia. The next day I did feel a little bit nauseous but nothing too severe. By about day 3, the nausea was pretty much gone.

I will be seeing Dr. Billy next Friday (2/18) for an x-ray to make sure my tummy looks okay. If everything is fine I will get the go ahead to start on mushies. I am looking forward to eating soft foods but I haven’t minded the liquid diet as much as I thought I would. I actually think the pre-op diet helps out a bit with the post-op diet cause you are kind of in the habit of eating the right things anyway.

Day 5 after plication

Today is the 5th day since my plication surgery. 've lost 11 pounds as of this morning.
My starting weight was 283
Today's weight is 272 Posted Image

My goal for this first month is to lose 20% EWL of 130 pounds. So my goal for month 1 is to lose 26 pounds and I'm almost half way there! yipppeee!

I woke up in a bit of internal pain this morning. My husband thinks it's my tummy healing. Still following the liquids only diet. I see my dr. next Friday and after an x-ray of my
new tummy, I will get the okay to start mushies. I'm very happy with the liquid diet though as I know once I start on mushies the weight loss will slow significantly. I want
to make the most of this first month and lose as much as I can. 

When I was banded I really struggled with the liquids only diet, but I am not having the same problem with the plication. Food right now actually is pretty unappealing
to me which actually surprised me. I thought I would have a harder time of it, like I did with the band. So I'm happy for that!

I'm off to walk around my neighborhood.

Day 3 after plication surgery

From February 9, 2011

I am still pretty tired and sore. Most of the gas pain has gone, I walked quite a bit after surgery in the hospital and once I got home. We had a 2 hour drive to get home so I was very sore once we arrived last night. I did take some pain medicine last night hoping it would help me sleep. I slept in short spurts of about 2 hours each.

My kids were so excited that I was home that they stayed up past their bed time so that kinda' threw their schedule off. Our 2 y.o. daughter woke up at about 2 am and again at 4 am asking for me so I hobbled to her room - mainly so she could see me. Once she saw I was here, she settled back down. I was more comfortable sitting up on the couch with my feet up on the ottoman than I was in bed and slept like that for a bit also.

I'm sipping warm tea with unflavored Unjury protein powder in it. I had a few bites of jell-o and broth yesterday. I was nauseated from the anesthesia which is very common for me so I had a hard time eating anything. I actually got sick in the hospital because I had a dream about food and I woke up vomiting.

I had a leak test and everything looked great!
I started out at 281 and as of this morning I weighed 283!Posted Image ugh...I'm attributing the weight gain to all the IV fluids as my hands, feet and arms are pretty swollen still. Haven't thought about food AT ALL which is kind of a small miracle. It takes me about 1 hour to sip about 6 ounces of tea so I'm doing everything very cautiously and slowly. 

Sorry if this is rambling but I'm still sore, tired and on a bit of pain medication.

So happy to be on the other side!

Full Liquid Diet - so far

From February 10, 2011

I'm assuming my new tummy is pretty swollen because I'm definitely not getting in the ounces or calories I thought I would be. I was actually pretty nervous about following the post-op liquids only diet but it's been much better than I thought.
I am trying to stay hydrated and not be overly concerned with protein right now

My liquid diet so far is as follows:

Breakfast - 3 oz. of warm tea mixed with 1 spoonful of Unjury unflavored protein powder
Snack - 2-3 oz. of water or water mixed w/ crystal light
Lunch - 2-3 oz. of warm low sodium chicken broth mixed with 1 spoonful of Unjury
Snack - about 1/2 a container of Jell-O, 2-3 oz water
Dinner - 3 oz. of warm tea (or broth) mixed with 1 spoonful of Unjury unflavored protein powder
Water whenever I think of it. Sip, sip, sip!

Gas pains are getting better as I've been walking. I haven't walked outside yet because we 
are having nasty Santa Ana winds today. :(

I am following this liquid diet for another 9 days so hopefully it'll be this easy next week!


Plication done, lapband replaced

From February 8, 2011

I had my lapband replaced and the sleeve plication done yesterday around 11 am. I was very sore and my neck and back hurt A LOT from the gas. I was given morphine during the night which helped greatly. I was pretty nauseated throughout the night also but the nursing staff was pretty quick at giving me medication to take care of it. I've only eaten a few spoonfuls of broth and a couple of sips of juice. I will post more details later as I'm pretty tired and sore still and I'm getting ready to be discharged! 

Pre-Op Liquid Diet

From February 5, 2011

Today is the first day of my 2 day liquid pre-op diet. I'm happy that I only have to do 2 days because I did have a bit of a freak out earlier. We are attending a super bowl party tomorrow and DH volunteered us to bring something. So we went to the market and I realized all the things I won't be able to eat!! Normally doing a liquid only diet doesn't bother me too much, but for some reason I started to get a little upset at the thought of attending this party, making food and not being able to eat. 

I calmed myself down by thinking of how healthy I'm going to be when I lose weight and how great I'm going to feel once I've lost some of this excess weight. I decided to plan for tomorrow by experimenting today with protein shakes and other liquids. This gave me an excuse to try expensive low-cal drinks that I normally wouldn't buy!!

So now I have 1 1/2 days of liquids then nothing to eat or drink after midnight tomorrow and then off to surgery at 8 am Monday morning. Getting both anxious and excited!!


Surgery Scheduled

From January, 2011

I'm scheduled for band removal and sleeve plication on Feb. 7 with Dr. Helmuth Billy in Thousand Oaks, CA. He has just started offering sleeve plication.  But he has been doing bariatric surgery for quite awhile and is fairly well known in the community. Past patients have good things to say about him, so I feel pretty comfortable with my decision.
Of course, I'm nervous as this is my 2nd major surgery in 5 months - I had my port replaced and a hernia repair in Aug, 2010.  I will be doing a 2 day liquid diet prior to surgery and most likely about a week of clear liquids followed by 2-3 weeks of full liquids then mushies. I think since plication is fairly new that the aftercare protocol is similar to sleeve gastrectomy. 

I am hoping, because I am a band patient and I've lived with the band for almost 
10 years, that this will help me adjust to the sleeve plication. 

I have started journaling on and am keeping spreadsheets with my weight and goals. Hopefully this will keep me accountable and on-track.

My goal is to lose about 100-110 pounds although according to BMI charts I should aim for a 130 pound loss. Right now I'd be happy to get to onederland and shop at regular stores and wear regular size clothing.  

The journey begins

Hi all~
This is from a previous post from November, 2010 to give some background information about me and my WLS.
I was banded in Dec, 2001. My band either has to come out or be repositioned. I have had probably 40+ fills/unfills over the 9 years since being banded. Since I had 2 complete unfills while pregnant, I haven't been able to get adjusted properly. I've been having reflux and esophagus issues since about January.
My doctors here in Los Angeles think the band either needs to come out or I need to have a new one placed. In all honesty, I am pretty much done with the band and fills/unfills, etc. I am unable to have a bypass although I probably wouldn't get one if that was my only option. I was considering the sleeve but my band dr. and another dr. I consulted with both have pretty strong reservations about the sleeve. They will do the sleeve if it's what I want but it will be a fight with my insurance company and I'm not completely sure that the sleeve is quite right for me. After tons of research (again) I've decided to have the G
astric Sleeve 
Plication. The dr. that will most likely do the procedure said that I can have my band replaced as well as having the sleeve plication done at the same time. I am nervous and excited as I didn't know this was an option. A lot will depend on what he finds once he is actually performing the surgery but, as of now I will most likely have a new band, repositioned and then the plication. The reasoning 
behind keeping the band along with the sleeve plication is for insurance purposes as plication alone is not covered by insurance yet. Also having the lapband is a sort of back-up system if for some reason the plication doesn't work. I can get a fill if needed if my weight loss with the plication is slower than I desire.