I am still pretty tired and sore. Most of the gas pain has gone, I walked quite a bit after surgery in the hospital and once I got home. We had a 2 hour drive to get home so I was very sore once we arrived last night. I did take some pain medicine last night hoping it would help me sleep. I slept in short spurts of about 2 hours each.
My kids were so excited that I was home that they stayed up past their bed time so that kinda' threw their schedule off. Our 2 y.o. daughter woke up at about 2 am and again at 4 am asking for me so I hobbled to her room - mainly so she could see me. Once she saw I was here, she settled back down. I was more comfortable sitting up on the couch with my feet up on the ottoman than I was in bed and slept like that for a bit also.
I'm sipping warm tea with unflavored Unjury protein powder in it. I had a few bites of jell-o and broth yesterday. I was nauseated from the anesthesia which is very common for me so I had a hard time eating anything. I actually got sick in the hospital because I had a dream about food and I woke up vomiting.
I had a leak test and everything looked great!
I started out at 281 and as of this morning I weighed 283!
Sorry if this is rambling but I'm still sore, tired and on a bit of pain medication.
So happy to be on the other side!
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