From February 5, 2011
Today is the first day of my 2 day liquid pre-op diet. I'm happy that I only have to do 2 days because I did have a bit of a freak out earlier. We are attending a super bowl party tomorrow and DH volunteered us to bring something. So we went to the market and I realized all the things I won't be able to eat!! Normally doing a liquid only diet doesn't bother me too much, but for some reason I started to get a little upset at the thought of attending this party, making food and not being able to eat.
I calmed myself down by thinking of how healthy I'm going to be when I lose weight and how great I'm going to feel once I've lost some of this excess weight. I decided to plan for tomorrow by experimenting today with protein shakes and other liquids. This gave me an excuse to try expensive low-cal drinks that I normally wouldn't buy!!
So now I have 1 1/2 days of liquids then nothing to eat or drink after midnight tomorrow and then off to surgery at 8 am Monday morning. Getting both anxious and excited!!
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