Sunday, June 5, 2011

Did you know that you can exercise almost anywhere?? Who knew??

From March 7, 2011

Ok so I've become a little obsessive about getting my daily exercise. I'm striving for at least 30 minutes per day. I alternate between going to the gym and doing exercise videos in my own house. However, yesterday I took my kids to the park and decided instead of sitting on the park bench and watching them play (like usual) I would go for a quick walk around the playground. I started out doing a power walk and soon both my kids joined me! It was great! Then today I took my car to be serviced and instead of sitting in the customer lounge I took a 25 minute walk. I also went to the gym but it was nice that 1/2 my workout was already done! Surprisingly I'm not finding it too hard to squeeze in my workouts, although I start back to work in about a week so we'll see how it goes then. 

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