Sunday, June 5, 2011

10 days out and down 20 pounds!

Well I couldn't resist weighing myself because I am scheduled to start mushies today. I weighed 283 when I came home from the hospital and this morning I weigh 263. That seems crazy to me!! 

I had about 3 oz of protein drink this morning and met friends for lunch at Cheesecake Factory. I had the broth from their chicken tortilla soup, which was fabulous!I also had 3 small bites of mashed potatoes and 2 teeny pieces of turkey. I was pretty full. My friends ordered a piece of cheesecake to share. I resisted for awhile basically because I was just too full to eat 1 more bite. After about 20 minutes or so I did take 2 small licks and it really was like heaven! :) but that was it - 2 licks and I was done! 

So far I'm loving my new little tummy especially compared to life with the band!! 

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